Landing Page

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7 Landing Page Do’s and Don’ts For Higher Conversions

Published on May 24, 2024

In the digital marketing world, landing pages are the workhorses. They’re targeted web pages designed with a single purpose: to convert visitors into leads or customers. But crafting a landing page that truly compels action isn’t as simple as throwing up some text and an image.

It’s about understanding user psychology, presenting a clear value proposition, and removing any roadblocks to conversion.

This article explores the dos and don’ts of landing pages, equipping you with the knowledge to build conversion champions.

Landing Page Do's

Do Focus on User Needs

Do: Focus on User Needs

  • Understand their pain points: Put yourself in your target audience’s shoes before crafting your message. What are their challenges and passions? How can your product or service solve their problems or improve their lives? Speak directly to these pain points in your headlines, copy, and visuals.
  • Highlight the benefits, not features: People don’t care about features; they care about what those features do for them. Translate technical jargon into clear benefits that resonate with your audience.

Do: Craft Compelling Content

  • Write a strong headline: Your headline is prime real estate. Keep it clear, concise, and practical. Draw attention and immediately tell guests what you offer and why they should care.
  • Use clear and concise copy: Make your landing page copy focus on the value of your offering. Use bullet points, short paragraphs, and strong graphics to break up text and improve readability.

Do: Optimize for Conversions

  • Include a clear call to action (CTA): Tell visitors exactly what you want them to do, whether signing up for a free trial, downloading an ebook, or making a purchase. Use strong CTA buttons that stand out visually and use action verbs like “Download,” “Get Started,” or “Buy Now.”

Do: Build Trust and Credibility

  • Showcase social proof: Testimonials, case studies, and customer logos add social proof and build trust with visitors.
  • Include trust signals: Security badges, clear contact information, and privacy policy links demonstrate your commitment to user security and privacy.
  • Keep forms short and sweet: Long, complex forms can deter visitors from converting. Only ask for the information absolutely necessary to achieve your conversion goal.

Leverage the Power of Urgency and Scarcity

Do: Leverage the Power of Urgency and Scarcity

  • Create a sense of urgency: Limited-time offers, countdown timers, or limited-quantity promotions can incentivize visitors to take action immediately.
  • Highlight scarcity: Emphasize the limited availability of your product or service to create a sense of scarcity and encourage conversions.

Do: A/B Test Everything

  • Test headlines: Headlines are crucial for grabbing attention and conveying your value proposition. Test different headlines to see which ones resonate best with your audience.
  • Experiment with CTAs: Your CTA button’s color, size, and wording can significantly impact conversion rates. Try different variations to see which ones drive the most clicks.
  • Optimize for different devices: User behavior can vary significantly between desktops and mobile devices. A/B tests different layouts, content, and CTAs specifically for mobile users.

Do: Integrate with Your Marketing Funnel

  • Ensure a seamless user experience: Your landing page should be a cohesive part of your marketing funnel. Use consistent messaging and visuals across your website, social media, and email campaigns.
  • Track user journeys: Use analytics tools to track visitors’ arrival at your landing page. This will help you tailor your landing pages to specific campaigns or user segments

Landing Page Don'ts

Don't Forget About Testing

Don’t: Forget About Testing

  • Launch and forget: The best landing pages are constantly evolving. Use A/B testing to compare different headlines, copy variations, CTA button colors, and layouts to see what resonates best with your audience.
  • Ignore analytics: Track your landing page performance using analytics tools. Analyze metrics like conversion rates, bounce rates, and time on page to identify areas for improvement.

Don’t: Resort to Deceptive Tactics

  • Use fake scarcity or urgency: Don’t create a false sense of urgency with misleading timers or limited-quantity claims. This can damage trust and hurt your brand reputation.
  • Employ manipulative tactics: Scare tactics or pressure sales messages might initially generate a few conversions, but they’ll likely damage your brand image and customer loyalty in the long run.

Don’t: Be Afraid to Make Changes

  • Cling to underperforming elements: If your landing page isn’t converting, feel free to make changes. Based on A/B testing results and user behavior data, iterate and improve your landing page continuously.
  • Ignore expert advice: Landing page best practices are constantly evolving. Stay up-to-date on the latest trends and leverage insights from successful landing page creators.

Don’t: Neglect Post-Conversion Actions

  • Leave visitors hanging after conversion: Don’t let visitors disappear into the void once they convert.
  • Provide clear next steps: Thank them for converting and provide clear instructions on what to do next, whether downloading an ebook, attending a webinar, or making another purchase.


By following these landing page do’s and don’ts, you can create high-converting landing pages that capture leads and customers and integrate seamlessly into your overall marketing strategy.

Remember, successful landing pages are a product of continuous learning, experimentation, and refinement. Always strive to improve your landing pages based on data and user feedback to maximize their conversion potential.

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Shekh Zaid Nazir

Zaid Nazir is the founder and head of Ufrenza, a leading digital marketing and web design agency. With over a decade of experience in the industry, Zaid has driven the success and innovation at Ufrenza, guiding the team to create numerous impactful landing pages and generating over 10,000+ leads for clients worldwide.

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